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Building distinctive brand assets, Jenni Romaniuk

How Brands Grow, Byron Sharp

Difference and Meaningful, Bernadette Jiwa  

Buyer Personas, Adele Revella 

Marketing playbook, John Zegula

Loved, Martina Lauchengco

Science of storytelling, Will Storr 
Talking to humans, Giff Constable

Mastering in-house SEO, Schnieders 

Product-led SEO, Eli Schwartz 

Trustworthy online controlled experiments, Ron Kohavi

Making websites win, Karl Blanks and Ben Jesson



Fresh Sales Strategies, Jill Konrath

Sales P!tch, April Dunford

The Transparency Sale, Todd Caponi

Chief Customer Officer 2.0, Jeanne Bliss

The seven pillars of customer success, Wayne McCulloch


The partnership principle, Matt Bray

Tech powered sales, Justin Michael & Tony Hu

SaaS sales method, Dominique Levin & Jacco van der Kooij

Challenger sales, Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson

The Jolt Effect, Matthew Dixon & Ted McKenna



Calling bullsh*t, the art of scepticism in a data-driven world, Carl Bergstrom & Jevin West

Good strategy Bad strategy, Richard Rumelt

Customers know you suck, Debbie Levitt

Black Swan, Nassim Taleb

Data Science for Business, Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett

No bullsh*t strategy, Alex Smith

Hacking growth, Sean Ellis

Product & Service

Product & Service

Product-led growth, Wes Bush

Product-led onboarding, Ramli John

Predictive analytics, Eric Seigel

Predictably irrational, Dan Ariely

Hooked, Nir Eyal

What makes great products great, Jeff Callan

The Great Mental Models, Farnam Street



No rules rules, Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer

Principles, Ray Dalio

Range, David Epstein

Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willink & Leif Babin

Zero to one, Peter Thiel
The Lean Start-up, Eric Rees 
The Innovator’s Solution, Clayton Christensen


The five dysfunctions of a team, Patrick Lencioni

Fix the system, not the women, Laura Bates

Unmasking Autism, Dr Devon Price

Measure what matters, John Doerr

Scaling people, Claire Hughes-Johnson

The Culture Map, Erin Meyer

Feedback &


Radical Candor, Kim Scott 

Dare to lead, Brene Brown

The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle 

Atomic Habits, James Clear 

Coaching for performance, John Whitmore 

Presentations & Podcasts

Presentations & podcasts

The Golden Circle, Simon Sinek

The Power of Believing, Carol Dweck

The Power of Vulnerability, Brene Brown

How to be a Kickass Boss, Kim Scott

Let's talk ABM                     The CMO Podcast

Pos!tioning                         HBR on Strategy

ON strategy                       Revenue Vitals





& Courses

For a global revenue lens, the following are thought leaders. Most offer communities and training courses from C-Suite to entry level. 



Winning by design 


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